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20 October 2014 Mayor's__ Court.jpg

Oath of a Burgess
Stafford Borough Council

 Forasmuch as it hath pleased the
Mayor of Stafford,
to call me to be a
Burgess of this Borough,
and to be a Member of the same:
I therefore swear that I will be
a true and faithful subject to the
King's Majesty,
and his heirs and lawful successors,
and true faith and allegiance to him will bear.

I will, at all times, be obedient to the
Magistrates and Ministers of this Borough.

I will be ready,
from time to time, in my own person and
with all good means I can,
to aid and assist them in lawful actions.

I will be contributory and subject to
all such impositions as reasonably, or lawfully,
shall be imposed upon me.

I will,
to the utmost of my power
uphold, maintain and defend all
the ancient laudable and lawful
customs, privileges and liberties of this Borough.

I will also
keep the King's Peace in my own person,

and, all the Articles and all other things fitting
for a Member of this Borough to perform,
I will,
well and truly, to the utmost of my power,
observe and keep.

So Help Me God.

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