​Stafford Burgesses Guild
Potential Burgesses
As explained in the index page, the Guild cannot grant Burgess status, as that has to be done by a Freemen's Court, called by the Borough of Stafford and presided over by the Mayor of Stafford.
However, the Guild is very interested to know of people who have the qualifications and the desire to join the historic ranks of the Burgesses. If new members are not found the whole institution will die.
Currently, we know of a few potential candidates for Freemen, but would like to compile an ongoing list, so that we can press the Borough to call regular Freemen's Courts.
Qualification is either by:
Birth, which means you are the child, or grandchild of a Burgess of the Borough.
Following a recent Act of Parliament, daughters or granddaughters are now accepted in Stafford and the parent or grandparent's status is at the time of application, not at birth.
Servitude, which means that you have completed an indentured apprenticeship, of at least three years, based in the Borough of Stafford and practised the knowledge gained within the borough for at least two years.
If you are interested please contact the Master of the Guild, John Edwards, in one of the following ways.
E-mail: john @ staffordfreemen.org.uk
We look forward to hearing from you.